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Mijn favoriete fragmenten (deel 2)

U weet: ik lees graag en veel Engelse literatuur. Alles wat iets met me doet, schrijf ik op en uit al die quotes schotel ik u de beste voor. Deel 2 van mijn favoriete fragmenten, geniet ervan!



Uit: A People’s History of the United States: 1492 to Present (Howard Zinn)

Locke himself regretted that the labor of poor children “is generally lost to the public till they are twelve or fourteen years old”

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

Charles Beard warned us that governments—including the government of the United States—are not neutral, that they represent the dominant economic interests, and that their constitutions are intended to serve these interests.

Henry Ford, in March 1931, said the crisis was here because “the average man won’t really do a day’s work unless he is caught and cannot get out of it. There is plenty of work to do if people would do it.” A few weeks later he laid off 75,000 workers.

Aldous Huxley: “Liberties are not given, they are taken.”

Dostoevski once said: “The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.”

Capitalism has always been a failure for the lower classes. It is now beginning to fail for the middle classes.

“If God had intended us to vote, he would have given us candidates.”



Uit: Nothing Like It In the World (Stephen E. Ambrose)

“Verily, men earn their money like horses and spend it like asses.”



Uit: On China (Henry Kissinger)

The marketplace created its own discontent. A market economy will, in time, enhance general well-being, but the essence of competition is that somebody wins and somebody loses. In the early stages of a market economy, the winnings are likely to be disproportionate. The losers are tempted to blame the “system” rather than their own failure. Often they are right.

The reason I insisted on retiring was that I didn’t want to make mistakes in my old age. Old people have strengths but also great weaknesses—they tend to be stubborn,



Uit: The Orphan Master’s Son (Adam Johnson)

And then came the kiss. It started with the tilt of her head, her eyes flashing to his mouth, a hand slowly reaching to his collarbone, where it rested, and then she leaned in, the slowest lean in the world.


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